Stressed out? Here’s how design can help your people relax

by Sally Augustin
// Research

Stress levels in the workforce have risen dramatically since the start if the pandemic. Scientific research suggests there are some key environmental design tips to help improve the general mood

This is the time of year for reflections and projections. But as 2021 concludes, trying to make any forecasts about 2022 seems particularly challenging as new virus variants are identified and older ones continue to threaten us.

As 2022 dawns, however, it is somewhat comforting to acknowledge that people still have the same core set of motivations (as identified by Deci, Olafsen and Ryan, 2017): to be competent, i.e. good at doing whatever is important to them; to like their job; to have autonomy or a comfortable amount of control over their life; and to be able to spend time and form relationships with people they choose. Workplaces that want to be successful must recognise and reflect these drives.

Several trends established before the pandemic are now mainstream. Back in 2019, people were increasingly working remotely and from home, for example; workplaces were being developed primarily as collaboration hubs; and people were leaving the workforce to do things that they preferred.

View the full report here.

Written by Sally Augustin.